Today I decided to cut the looping part of the video because, just looking at it now, I can tell that I won't be able to complete it at all. What I'll be doing instead is just showing the original next to both the line and colour versions of the animation to see how they compare to each other. I'd most likely just export three videos from Photoshop, one of each, then maybe load it up in PremierPro and insert them next to each other. I made this decision because I know every time I start something new, like a new technique, or just something I've never done before, it takes me a while to figure it out and get it down properly, and I only have about two weeks left, which definitely isn't enough time I'm okay with this, though. I always had this idea as a finishing touch that I would add only if I had the time to do it, So it shouldn't take away anything from the final result