
Day 76

Today Is the last day for posting. I was just working on the logo and finishing it up, and then i'll be doing my concluding slideshow to show all my work

Day 75 - Humanitarian Trip Day 3

I think I've finished my design for the shirt, I've kind of run out of ideas and again the grayscale is kinda throwing me off. It's not too bad but I think I could've done something better. I think with colour it could work a bit better but it's still a decent logo design. I was struggling with balancing detail and simplicity and I think I did a decent job of it.

Day 74 - Humanitarian Trip Day 2

Today I didn't get a lot done for a few reasons. One of them being the grayscale, because I can't really have any colour in the shirt, its a bit more difficult to make a design. The second reason being that I'm not that good with Illustrator as I am Photoshop, because the tools all work just the slightest bit different, it's throwing me off.  This is all I have so far, nothing really special, hopefully I can do more tomorrow 

Day 73 - Humanitarian Shirt Day 1

There's been some change in plans of what i'll be doing for the rest of the class, I'm now designing a shirt for the Humanitarian trip. The shirt needs to consist of the Totems logo, as well as the Canadian and Panama flags somewhere on it. I have a few ideas that I'll experiment with tomorrow  

Day 72

I have officially finished Project 8, Kevin and Usain botl race as a Rotoscope. I quickly edited a comparison video between the original and the animation  The quality of the video is somewhat low, even though i set it to export at a high quality but it's the best I can do. Now because there's not that much time in the semester left, I can't do a big project, so what I'll be doing is following a few tutorials in Photoshop just to keep me busy. They're fairly easy in comparison to what I've been doing recently, then on the last few days I'll be working on my final presentation that'll collection of all my work

Day 71

I have finished the animation, finally coloured every frame. I looked at past posts on the blog about this project and I found that this took from day 36, when i first loaded up the video, to now, day 71. That's just about half my time spent on this one project alone, it's kind of crazy. Here is the video, I still want to bring it into PremierPro and put the original next to the rotoscoped animation, but I'll have to do it Monday

Day 70

Today, and yesterday actually, I made a lot of progress. What I normally do when I'm colouring is that I do each frame, as in fully colour both Usain and Kevin before moving to the next frame. Yesterday I decided to do it by colour, what I mean by that is picking for example the purple that I made Kevin, and doing all the purple of every frame. Now I didn't realize how much faster this would make the process, I actually finished colouring Kevin completely and I just started doing Usain.  I think this works so well because I don't have to switch colours every few seconds or zoom in and out of the spots I need, I can just switch frames and keep going. I'm thinking I'll be finished the colouring by tomorrow. (I made the background a slightly darker white because I used such a bright blue for Usain that It was a little bit difficult to see in some frames