
Showing posts from December, 2019

Day 66

Today I did some of the last frames like I've been talking about, what was giving me lots of trouble was that the video frames wouldn't extend beyond what I set them to. I ended up cutting them at 12.75 seconds, and it wont let me shrink or make it larger, so I had to just add more layers beyond the originals to extend the animation. I was also planning to look at some possible videos to use for the looping part, something with movement because I realize how hard it would be to make something move myself, probably wouldn't look that good, or at least what I want it to look like

Day 65

Today I did the last two frames of colouring, then went back to the tutorial to see how I could do the looping part. What it suggests is that you enable Onion Skins, what it does is it lets you see the faint outline of the next frame to make movement more fluent. The only Issue that I'll have to look into is that when I try to extend the layer with the colouring, It won't let me, I'm assuming because it's a video layer but I'm not sure yet.

Day 64

Today I worked on the frames like I have been as apposed to what I mentioned last post, where I'd be going to the end to figure out the looping part. That I'll be trying to do tomorrow

Day 63

I've been thinking about the looping part of the video I want to incorporate, and I might colour the final few frames then start working on that, so after all I'd have to do is keep colouring like I have been until I'm done. Basically just getting the hard part out of the way now and leaving the easy for after.

Day 61/62

Yesterday I went on a Law class fiend trip which is why the title is 61/62. I'll need to use some flex blocks to catch up because this project is taking by far the longest out of everything I've done so far. I'm thinking of experimenting with making a background for the scene or just a road or path for them to run on so they're not just running in space.

Day 60

Today again was just some more colouring, I did think about possibly adding a background but that might take a very long time, maybe at least a trail or something to make it look like they're running on something. Like I said last post, I won't be adding videos until a decent amount of progress has been made

Day 59

Today I didn't get as much done as I would've like to because the computer was being somewhat slow, Photoshop especially. I'm about a quarter in the colouring portion as of today. I'll probably stop posting videos everyday like I did with the outline portion because day to day there's not much change, it's kind of a waste of video and honestly time because I have to stop working early to allow the video to properly export and load on the blog.

Day 58

Just some more colouring today 

Day 57

Just a little more colouring today, something you'll notice though is that near the end that they'll be about three frames of Kevin's shirt coloured and that's because I wanted to make sure that the ribbon and the shirt were different enough to not blend into each other 

Day 56

Just some more colouring done today, I'm guessing that the colouring will take about as long as the outlines, maybe quicker because I don't have to be as precise like I was with the lines

Day 55

The farther I get on the colouring the more and more I like it. Originally I thought that because it involved colouring with the water brushes that I couldn't possibly recreate a good looking animation but I'm impressed with what I have so far, even if it is only 1 second

Day 54

Today was more colouring for kevin and Usain. After seeing the few frames that I've done of them I noticed that it actually looks pretty good without the outline, something that I was struggling to decide to keep in or not. The colour palette is bigger and closer just because it was somewhat annoying to zoom out and pick the colours that were all the way in the top left corner then zoom back in. Again, the plan that I came up with is to make it a Gif, a looping video, I just need to figure out what I'm doing for that.